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Next Stop on the Health Directory Info Tour - Cancer Biopsy

Next Stop on the Health Directory Info Tour - Cancer Biopsy

The term biopsy means a view of life and means from the Greek "bio" meaning life, and "-psy" meaning vision. A biopsy is literally a look at living tissue, and is a test used to diagnose cancer. Any tissue or organ in the body can be biopsied, and there are many techniques that are used. Some of these draw in surgery, whereas others will not even draw in an anesthetic. In each method, a sample of tissue is cut out from the body and studied for cancer markers, cancer cells, or unusual cell division. Each cancer has its own modes of diagnosis, but the different types of biopsies can be classified. Naturally, you should go to a reputed medical clinic to get this done. You can look up an online health directory to get information.
1) Excisional biopsy. This is a surgical removal of the feared tumor growth. In this case, either an organ or lump is excised, or cut out of the body. Excisional biopsies are used for a variety of cancer diagnoses and for different reasons in each. In osteosarcoma they are used because of the growth rate of feared tumors. Surgery will always be the first option of biopsy in bone cancers. In lymphoma, tumors can only be examined as whole pieces so as to get an accurate diagnosis. Breast cancer is another cancer where some surgeons prefer surgery. This will make certain any cancer diagnosis with the most accuracy.
2) Incisional Biopsy. Here only a section of the lump is removed through surgery. This type is generally used for feared soft tissue cancers.
3) Endoscopic Biopsy. This is the most widespread form of biopsy and is performed through a fibreoptic endoscope that is introduced into the organ of disruption. The doctor looking through the endoscope can view directly any abnormal sections and cut or pinch pieces of tissue with forceps. A thoroscopy for endoscopic biopsy under general anesthesia will be used for mesothelioma, a cancer of internal organ lining. The reason for this is there is simply no other modes to obtain a tissue sample. Meshothelioma is also very tough to diagnose through other means, and so excisional biopsy is the best course for an accurate diagnosis.
4) Fine needle aspiration is the most popular form of contemporary cancer biopsy. Here a needle will be introduced into the lump and a large number of cell tissue will be drawn through a syringe. These cells will then be stained and studied by a pathologist. In this case, a diagnosis is reached instantly. This kind of biopsy can even be conducted on inaccessible organs such as the pancreas or lungs with ultrasound guided techniques. This is the preferred choice as avoiding surgery is almost always first on the wish list of the physician.
There are other forms of biopsies, but these categories are the most widespread and cover most of the major cancerous diseases. If a cancer is feared, a patient may undergo more than one of these tests through the course of their treatment, depending on how aggressive the physician feels it is.
Specialist medical clinics are best prepared to deal with this. If you want to learn more, read web articles on the subject. These are easily accessible in a health directory.
Ajeet Khurana is an author, futurist, teacher... If you liked this article, also visit: Mesothelioma, Clinics and Health Directory.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ajeet_Khurana

What Are Basic Steps To Reduce Cancer Risks?

What Are Basic Steps To Reduce Cancer Risks?

It’s important to take cancer seriously because the number of cases is on the rise. A number of doctors have hypothesized that up to 60% of cancer deaths maybe prevented if several basic steps are implemented into your lifestyle. This article will discuss these basic steps in great detail.
-Hold The Fat. Researchers have found that a low fat diet reduces your risk for cancer of the prostate, breast and colon. It is recommended that you reduce even more dietary fat, to 32% or less. As a result, you’ll look and feel much better about yourself and lower certain cancer risks.
-Eat More Fruits And Vegetables. A study that was recently done stated that people who eat many fruits and vegetables on a daily basis have a lower cancer risk than those who eat just one serving, or none at all.
-Cut Out Tobacco. Approximately 430,000 lives are lost every year to tobacco use, and more than 166,000 are due to cancer. Just by stopping tobacco use and avoiding second hand smoke, you can immediately reduce your risk for cancer of the throat, lung, mouth, bladder, pancreas and kidney.
-Exercise Regularly. A healthy, fit and strong body has a much better chance of preventing many forms of cancer. Studies indicate that obesity has been linked to cancer of the ovaries, cervix, prostate, breast and colon. If you can’t make it to the gym don’t worry, just do some sort of exercise walking, jogging or even work around the house.
-Limit Alcohol Consumption. There is substantial evidence indicating that heavy alcohol use can increase your risk for cancer of the larynx, mouth and esophagus. Studies also show that heavy alcohol use can lead to cancer of the breast in women. Also, your cancer risk from alcohol increases when you smoke or even chew tobacco.
-Call Your Doctor. Cancer is a silent killer. In other words, cancer can spread without any noticeable symptoms. Cancer must be found early, this is when you have the best chance for a cure. Its important to be aware of any physical changes and get a physicals on a regular basis.
-Sun Protection. About 92% of skin cancers each year could have been prevented if skin protection was implemented correctly. Avoid skin exposure during peak hours of the day. Examine your skin on a regular basis and look for any changes in moles or discolorations.
I think this article is a very helpful way of getting across certain cancer preventable measures. Also, checkout the link below it will take you to even more information on cancer and other health diseases.
The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well being other than to suggest that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters.
No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The information and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of this publication based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on information in this publication to replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult with health-care professionals assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher isn’t responsible for errors or omissions. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. These products aren’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eugene_Williams

Cancer Information - Preparing for the Worst

Cancer Information - Preparing for the Worst

According to the 2007 report of the World Health Organization, the next thirty years will witness a significant global rise, in the number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases, especially cancer. This prediction is mainly due to the ageing of the population of the world.
However, even without that bit of news, we are aware of cancer being a major killer. But we do know that a cancer, when detected in its earliest stages, is generally curable. Hence, it is advisable to make sure that we are privy to various kinds of cancer information.
To begin with, it helps if you know about the different common types of cancer. Among the most common are bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer.
Leukemia is another common type, where the cancer forms in the tissues where blood is formed, such as in the bone marrow. This then leads to the production of a large number of blood cells, and these large numbers of blood cells then enter the blood stream.
If you have a suspicious looking mole, you really should have it checked, as you do not want to risk it's being cancerous. It may be nothing, but you really should not sit on it worrying that it might be melanoma. The word "melanoma" comes from "melanocytes". Melanocytes are the cells in which melanin pigment is formed. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in these cells.
NHL (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) is yet another common form of cancer. This refers to a the growth of a large group of cancers that affect the immunity system. The symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are those of fever and weight loss, a sure sign that the immunity system has been affected. This is a cancer that can affect any age group, and its treatment is completely dependent on the stage of detection of the cancer.
Of course, these are only a few of the many kinds of cancers that afflict people all over the world. There are cancers that can be easily treated, and those that cannot. On the Internet, there are various sites that are devoted to providing cancer information. So you have the official sites, websites created by cancer specialists, and sites created and maintained by people who have either battled cancer or know people who have.
So, at least if you are looking for basic information, there are a large number of authoritative websites that provide cancer information. Prepare yourself with all the cancer information that you can, so that you will be better placed to deal with the countless problems that a cancer brings in its wake.
The author Ajeet Khurana recommends Cancer Information, Zinc Vitamins, and Skin Vitamins.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ajeet_Khurana

Main Symptoms of Cancer

Main Symptoms of Cancer

Symptoms are the indications by the body that there is something wrong. These refer to the physical feelings undergone by the sick person. They may or may not be visible. The signs of an illness can be diagnosed by the doctor or the medical practioner. Just one symptom cannot diagnose a particular disease but can lead to an investigation and help can be provided before the disease flairs up.
Cancer is a disease that can affect ant part of the body ranging from the glands, blood, bone, muscles, organs, and skin. It is basically an uncontrolled division of cells that cannot be regulated by the body. As an enemy within the body it ravages each cell while spreading its deadly tentacles, affecting healthy tissues and cells. The symptoms of cancer depend upon its origin and size of the tumor and its spread.
In some types of cancer the specific symptoms do not appear until it has reached an advanced stage. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body then there may be a variety of symptoms. In brain cancer, if a tumor is formed the size of a speck also, there may be variety of symptoms as it may push against a nerve or a blood vessel that might be affecting a particular portion of the body. As the cancerous tumor continues to grow, the intensity of the symptoms may increase manifolds because it may start pushing the adjoining organs and tissues leading to discomfort.
The specific symptoms may be localized to a certain extent depending upon the area of spread of cancer. Generally all cancers have some common symptoms and specific symptoms related to the affected area of the body. These symptoms are common to other diseases also and the medical practioner can be misguided on the diagnosis of the disease. Sometimes symptoms are ignored because they seem insignificant and temporary. However the earlier cancer is diagnosed the better you have a chance of stopping it from spreading further.
Some symptoms may not be a sign of cancer but in any case they need medical attention. The general symptoms range from weakness, fever, weight loss to dizziness and backaches. Fever is a common symptom of cancer as it shows that the body is fighting an infection. Persistent fever shows an advanced stage of cancer specially leukemia. Sudden weight loss of more than 15 pounds without any explanatory reasons can also be a sign of cancer related to stomach and lung or even the digestive system. Weakness and fatigue are also an indication of cancer due to weight loss and blood loss in some forms of cancers. Skin cancers produce symptoms like darkening and yellowing of skins.
While the localized and the particular cancer symptoms may differ as to the region they have affected. Any change in the normal functioning of the organ can be a reason for cancer check.
• Change in excretory system : constipation , piles , change in stool formation, passing of blood in stool or urine, pain during urination can all be symptoms of colon cancer , prostrate cancer and bladder cancer.• Passing of blood: any unusual amount of blood that is passed while coughing, with urine, stool or major vaginal bleeding are not normal. They are signs of lung cancer, rectal, kidney, uterine cancers, and stomach cancer.• Chronic Ulcers: Oral ulcers and sores that have not healed on the penis and inside the vagina may be cancerous. • Formation of lumps: Any formation of lumps in the body whether in the skin, breast, testicals, glandular lumps that have grown in size show an early signs of cancer. Warts that have grown in size.
Even a minor symptom of any disease should not be ignored. Prevention is always better than cure.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anita_Choudhary

How To Test For Cancer Without Paying Too Much

How To Test For Cancer Without Paying Too Much

Cancer screening tests are basically attempts to detect cancer at an early stage to increase the odds of a complete recovery before it is too late. There are generic cancer tests to detect signs of cancer in your body and other specialized cancer tests to detect specific cancer types. The exact type of cancer tests you should take depends on which cancer risk group you belong to.
Which Cancer Risk Group Do You Belong To?
There are 3 types of cancer risk groups:
Low risk (<15% lifetime risk)
Medium risk (15% - 20% lifetime risk)
High risk (> 20% lifetime risk)
The lifetime risk is the probability of you getting a particular type of cancer in your lifetime. When you visit a doctor for cancer screening, you will be classified into one of the groups above according to your gender, age, lifestyle, environment, race and family history of cancer. For example, a man in his fifties who works in a factory, lives in a very polluted city and smokes 10 cigarettes per day may belong to the high risk group. People from different risk groups will have different cancer screening schedules and may start their screening tests at an earlier age or have more frequent tests.
It is important that you look up the cancer screening guidelines of your country to make sure your doctor is planning the right combination of cancer tests. Some tests may not give you all the confirmation you need therefore having the right tests is critical to find any signs of cancer as early as possible. Going through more tests than you need will only result in you spending a lot of unnecessary time and money.
What Are The Different Types Of Cancer Tests?
The tests you will be going through should involve some or all of the following:
Visual investigation of any lesions on your body, mouth, eyes, genitals, etc.
Palpation tests to feel for any unusual lumps or tumors in your breasts, prostate, neck and other parts of your body.
Endoscopy, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT scans, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans or ultrasound scans.
Lab tests like Biological Terraine Assessment (BTA), blood tests, pap smears, Anti-malignin antibody screen (AMAS) or Cancer Marker Tests.
Be Disciplined - Regrets Don't Work
It is important that you follow your cancer screening test schedules religiously to prevent detecting any case of cancer in your body at a later or terminal stage. Everyone knows that the chances of treating cancer is easier in it's early stages so please do not take the unnecessary risk by being arrogant and lazy about doing your cancer tests. These cancer tests could save you lots of money in the long run and most importantly, they could save your life.
Visit Natalie's Cancer Archive to discover how you could treat cancer with alternative cancer treatment methods that work without costing you a an arm and a leg.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nat_Williams

What Causes Brain Cancer?

What Causes Brain Cancer?

By Lloyd Perry

There is no known cause of brain cancer. Extensive research has been conducted to pinpoint a cause to help prevent the cancer from occurring. Although there has not been very much conclusive evidence leading to a cause of brain cancer, the one thing that doctors do know is that brain cancer is not contagious and it does not occur due to head injury. There are known instances where cancer has spread to the brain from other parts of the body.(Lung cancer,Breast cancer,Liver cancer and so on.)
Brain cancer can occur at any age. Studies have shown that two major age groups are affected. From ages 3 to 12 and 40 to 70 are the age groups when brain cancer is formed. Since researchers have been able to gather this data, it has led to the discovery of some risk factors. Workers in certain industries are at a higher risk for brain cancer than workers in other industries. These include, rubber manufacturing, drug manufacturing, and oil refining. Since brain cancer often occurs with members of the same family, heredity is believed to be another cause of brain cancer.
There are many different kinds of cells in the brain, each with a different function. Sometimes the cells inside the brain begin to grow uncontrollably leading to a tumor. A tumor in the brain may or may not be malignant.If benign a tumor stays where it starts, although it can grow very large and put pressure on crucial areas. In the case of a malignant brain tumor however this has the ability to spread and brain cancer occurs. Brain cancer is dangerous and life-threatening as the cancerous cells can interrupt vital brain functions. When brain cancer occurs, the cells continue to grow at a rapid pace. The cells and tissue around these cancerous cells become crowded out and invaded.
Symptoms of brain cancer include headaches that are worse in the morning, changes in personality, abnormal eye movements, and weakness in the arms and legs. Seizures, nausea, and drowsiness are other symptoms of brain cancer.
Surgery is the treatment of choice for primary brain tumors radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the treatments that are used when cancer has spread to the brain. The doctor will use one or a combination of these treatments depending on the needs of the patient.
Lloyd Perry is the founder of Infoservice.us An Online Health & Fitness Resource. Where you'll find all your Health Info and Resources all in One Place.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lloyd_Perry

Types and Treatments of Bone Cancer

Types and Treatments of Bone Cancer

By Lloyd Perry

Although it is rare for cancer to begin forming inside the bone. It is more likely for cancer to spread to the bone from another part of the body. Since cancer is usually named for the organ where it originated, cancer that spreads to bones it not known as bone cancer.
The different kinds of bone cancer occur in different kinds of bone tissue. The most common kind is osteosarcoma. This kind of cancer begins to form in the ends of bones. As the body grows, the ends of the bones are the places where bone tissue starts to form. People aged 10 to 25 are more likely to contract osteosarcoma. Men are more likely than women.
When cells inside the bone become abnormal, it is called bone cancer. Even though bone cancer can occur in any bone in the body, it most often occurs in the bones inside the arms and legs. It is more likely that children and younger people will have bone cancer, rather than adults and the elderly, as is the case with many other forms of cancer.
Another common kind of bone cancer is Ewing’s sarcoma. While this kind of cancer commonly occurs with teenagers, people aged 10 to 25 are at higher risk. Ewing’s sarcoma occurs in the middle part of larger bones, such as the hip bones and long bones in the thigh.
Symptoms of bone cancer include pain in the bones. In some cases, the person might feel a firm, tender lump on the bone. Bone cancer can cause abnormalities with movement and bone breakage. Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the treatments that are used for bone cancer. The doctor will use one or a combination of these treatments depending on the needs of the patient.
Biotherapy is another form of treatment that may be used to Enhance your body’s ability to repair or replace normal cells that has been damaged or destroyed by other forms of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation; and Prevent bone cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body.
When it comes to Cancer of any kind it's never a waste of time to get a second oppinion. It's your Body your Life. Ask Questions get the Facts, Make a Choice of Treatments that's right for you.
Lloyd Perry is the founder of Infoservice.us An Online Health & Fitness Resource. Where you'll find all your Health Info and Resources all in One Place.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lloyd_Perry